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Who determines who was at fault in my auto accident?

Determining who is at fault in a car accident is especially important if you need your car repaired. The rules regarding fault differ according to each state. This is complicated by the fact that some states are “no-fault” while others are “fault” states. If the other driver is at fault and you reside in a…

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In the State of California, as in all the other states, civil lawsuits such as personal injury or property damage lawsuits must be filed within a legally-defined time period known as the Statute of Limitations. The Statute of Limitations can vary, depending on the type of lawsuit being filed and who is being sued. The…

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What should I do if I’m involved in a traffic accident?

Stay Calm and Wait For First Responders to Arrive on Scene If you are ever involved in a traffic accident or have been involved in an autmobile accident, then the first thing you want to do is stay calm and make sure you and the passengers in your vehicle are safe. If you feel that…

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I have been asked to release my medical records to the other driver’s insurance adjuster. Should I do this?

What You Should Know about Releasing Medical Records to the Other Driver’s Insurance Adjuste Once you set up a claim with the other driver’s insurance company, one of their adjusters will be assigned to your claim. Keep in mind that the insurance adjuster represents the insurance company, even when their insured driver is at-fault for…

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What do I do if the other driver’s insurance company contacts me?

An automobile accident is not only can be a medically challenging experience, but it can be legally complex and even confusing as well. If you are injured in a car accident you believes was caused by someone else’s negligence, odds are you will hear from a representative of the other driver’s insurance company not long…

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