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What Information Do I Need After A Car Accident?

No matter how scary or stressful an auto accident can be, it’s important that you stay strong throughout the insurance process to best deliver your case. The calmer and more focused you stay, the easier your insurance company can get all the details and you can get back on the road. Following an auto accident, you should gather the following from the other driver:

Gather the Other Driver’s Information

Even though everyone knows to get the other driver’s information following an auto accident, most don’t actually know what information to get. Below, are the most important pieces of information that you should gather for your insurance provider:
– Name
– Date of birth
– Phone number
– Address
– Driver’s license number
– Other passenger names

Insurance Information to Collect

It’s important that you ask the other driver for their insurance information following an auto accident. Here is the following you should collect from their insurance information:
– Name of insurance provider
– Insurance policy number
– Name
– Address
– Insurance expiration date

Police information to Collect

Although your insurance provider will gather the police information surrounding your case on its own, sometimes it’s best to collect the information on your own. This is especially true because your insurance provider can take months to do so. If you have to consult the police after your car accident, make sure that you write down their names and badge numbers, as well as the report number your case it. This information can even be handed off to your insurance provider to expedite your insurance claim.

However, if there are witnesses nearby, you should collect their information as well. Witnesses can help strengthen your case, as well as provide additional information that you might not have.

Vehicle Information to Collect

Vehicle information to collect include the model, make, year, color, license plate number, and VIN number of whichever vehicles were involved in the car accident, including your own.
It’s important to have this information to hand off to your insurance company to complete your auto claim and to better your insurance claim.
However, having this information can allow you to get the claim number from the other driver’s insurance provider and you can report the accident too. This way, you can report a claim against the other driver or not.

Damage Information to Collect

Collecting the damage information of your car, and every other car involved in the accident is incredibly important to report to your insurance provider. The best way to do this is to take as many photos of the damages as you can, as well as taking notes of any extensive damage.

Your Account of the Accident

Writing down the account of the accident is important for your insurance provider to have. This can help them get the best image of what happened during your car accident. This should include:
– Time
– Date
– City and road you were on
– Weather
– Traffic Conditions
– Summary of the accident
– Summary of any damage or injuries
– Summary of law enforcement involvement

Medical Records to Collect

It’s important for you to collect your own medical records such as physical therapy, medical procedures, or chiropractic care to get compensation from your claim. This piece is incredibly crucial if you plan on contacting an personal injury law firm. Keep them as detailed as possible and always get copies before you send them off to your insurance company.

Document Everything That Happens

During the entire ordeal, it’s important that you write down everything that happens. This includes the names of claim adjusters, as well as law enforcement. Every detail should be accounted for, even the person you talk to about for your claim. Make sure that you have an excellent history of your receipts, transportation costs, and repair costs to avoid your claim from being rejected.

The information you collect during and after an accident is vital to your claim and insurance process, as well as for your own private records. It will also be incredibly important when building your case with an personal injury attorney. The information above is the not only the most important factors that you should collect from other drivers and individuals in your case but also incredibly important incase other drivers or bystanders take you to court. You can never haven enough information to fully support your case.

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