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A personal injury can cause plenty of stress and anxiety. Not only does suffering from a personal injury cause physical pain, but it can also negatively affect your bank account. When the physical pain and financial setbacks associated with a personal injury combine together, they can equal a lot of problems you don’t need in…

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What if the Insurance Company Offers Me a Settlement?

Whenever a person is involved in an automobile accident, chances are they will be contacted by an insurance company representing the other party who was at fault. In these cases, the insurance company will do one of two things. First, they may attempt to convince you that the accident was your fault. If that tactic…

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The Insurance Company is Arguing About My Injuries. What Do I Do?

When you suffer injuries due to an automobile accident, there is little doubt you will need medical care now and in the future. In addition to this, you will likely experience a period of lost wages due to your inability to work, along with tremendous pain and suffering. However, even though you know you are…

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How soon must I file a personal injury lawsuit before I forever lose the right to do so?

The time after any kind of accident can be stressful, especially when you’re trying to recover from injuries. But if you want compensation for your medical bills and lost wages, you will need to file the lawsuit within a timely manner. The amount of time you have to file the lawsuit is known as the…

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How soon after the accident should I get a lawyer?

For anyone involved in an accident, there are an endless array of thoughts racing through their mind. Trying to determine their injuries as well as those of anyone else involved, attempting to get help from paramedics and the police, and assessing damage are just some of the issues facing an accident victim. While it’s vital…

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